Monday 15 January 2018

The Different Essence of Literature You Need Implement

A higher meaning or purpose of life would for existentialist be a creative anarchy of nihilism. In literature, we can dissolve the fragmentary tropes from their creation and experience creatively a narcissistic anarchy of experience that can be as profound as the mystic and saintly.

For Albert Camus, we are the ironic tragic, machine metaphor Sisyphus who for an unknown cause is forced to roll a boulder uphill and sadly to his fate it plunges downhill and he is forced to carry out his life repetitive monotony. Jubimedia is a one-stop place for writers across the globe.

Now I would like to analyze structural thought in literature. Structuralism rose to prominence with the works of Ferdinand Saussure. For him, all language is a system of signs. A sign is made up of the signifier and the signified. For example, if we connote dove as peace, the dove is the signifier and peace the signified.

The signifier is the physical tangibility and the signified is the abstract idea. Poststructuralism philosopher, Mr. Roland Barthes scrutinized signs in philosophy, media, literature, and fashions.

The problem with the structural approach is that it overlooks the hermeneutic of the aesthetic in literature and makes literature a mere machine. Visit Jubimedia for some amazing content online.

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