Tuesday 7 May 2019

Why you should embrace the outdoors as a couple more in winter

In the colder months, the majority of couples would prefer to spend their date nights or time together inside to essentially hide away from the cold weather. However, instead of avoiding it, try to embrace it. There are so many reasons why:

There are a lot of fun activities - When we picture winter activities, especially as a couple, there are many that spring to mind. You could go ice skating, to a Christmas market, outdoor theater, snowboarding, craft fair, Christmas events and more. You don’t need to hide away and have a movie night, night after night.

Winter walks are cozy - There’s no doubt, that wrapping up in a million layers of clothing and taking a stroll in the park is a pretty romantic thing to do. Open spaces, even when it’s chilly are beautiful to explore. Picture large parks covered in frost and vacant beaches - you really can’t get better than that.

There are fewer people - As you can imagine, the outdoors such as beaches, parks, and lakes are much more vacant in the winter time. With fewer people, it can make your date or general stroll, that bit more peaceful and private. You’ll even be able to take some lovely winter photos without crowds of people.

It’ll give you some fresh air - It may sound obvious, but if you spend all your time indoors in winter, you’ll miss the lovely feel of fresh air on the skin. Being outside will wake you up and give you both the energy for a productive day.

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