Monday 25 January 2021

3 Dates Inspired by Romance Books

At times, it can get boring to run through the same old dates when you are in a long-term relationship or transversing the dating scene. Luckily, romantic books can inspire you by teaching you how to spice up your relationship. Here are three date ideas that will strengthen your relationship.

Arcade Date, Intercepted- Alexa Martin

We can't all be millionaires like Garvin, who rented out an entire arcade in Intercepted. However, you can head over to the closest arcade for a few hours of fun. You should remove the thoughts that you are old for arcade games. Put a smile on your face and cheer by indulging in these games while having fun. It doesn't hurt to have a friendly competition while on a date.

Fancy Steak Dinner, Fight Or Flight - Samantha Young

A steak dinner is a way to go if you have the cash. In Fight Or Flight, it worked for Caleb and Ava. When they first met, the two couldn't stand each other. But, afterward, they realized escape was impossible after they were stranded on the same plane and later at the same hotel. They agreed to go on a date; who doesn't want to have a delicious steak accompanied by a drink and a chocolate dessert? The date leads to a mutual attraction, and they became an item.

Breakfast in Bed by Gemma Burgess

The truth is: Everyone loves the thought of their significant other serving them breakfast in bed regardless of how simple the meal is. In this case, Abigail and Robert were accustomed to bringing breakfast to each other when they had hangovers. Plus, it's the gesture that counts regardless of the meal you choose to serve. The idea is thoughtful and shows how you care about that person.

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