Wednesday 17 April 2019

Romantic Holiday Dates

The holidays aren’t just a time for large festive gatherings with family and friends, they’re a wonderful occasion to spend a bit more time with that special someone in your life. Though it may not always be easy to plan the perfect date night, here are three suggestions that make for a great holiday date!

Revisit your first date. What could be more romantic than revisiting the night where the magic began? Maybe it was at your local coffee shop where the two of you can share a brew at the counter again, or maybe a restaurant where you can book the same table and maybe even order the same meal. If your first date involved a movie that’s no longer in theatres, it’s the perfect occasion to end the evening with some snuggle time on the couch with the movie replaying for you at home.

Wander around. Many of us these days are fixated on going to specific places or doing specific things, but there’s much to be said for doing nothing in particular and letting the evening take you where it may. Perhaps a stroll through the neighborhood admiring holiday decorations or a walk through the park doing nothing more than just talking and appreciating each other’s company.

A games night! Be it at home, in a cafe, or at a themed bar, games are a great way to enjoy each other’s company when other options have been exhausted. What better way to let loose and unwind from holiday stress than by setting up some fun with your significant other?

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